Wednesday, April 22, 2020

PSOC (2180909)



(Ch. 1) Automatic Generation and Voltage Control

1. Write importance of frequency and voltage control.

 2.Briefly discuss the concept of “Control Area” for automatic Load Frequency Control and hence explain two Area Load Frequency Control


3. Explain the effect of tap-changing transformer in voltage control of a transmission line


4. Define the voltage regulation


5. Explain how system blackout occur. Explain restoration process after black out.


6. List main components of Automatic voltage control scheme.


7. Derive the expression for steady state 
frequency change for single area system with the following ,
cases. I. Changes in load with fixed speed 2.Changes in speed with fixed demand

8. Explain speed governor dead-band and its effect on AGC.

9.Discuss in brief the application aspects of the primary and secondary automatic load frequency control loops.

10 Explain turbine speed governing mechanism.

11 Draw block diagram model of load frequency control for isolated power system.

12 Differentiate automatic generation control action from governor action.. write importants of frequency and voltage control ?

(ch.2) Power System Security

1 State and Define sensitivity factors with mathematical model.

2 Explain System monitoring and Contingency Analysis related to power system security.

3 State operating states with nature of control action in a power system.

4 Explain factors affecting power system security.

5 Draw and explain flow chart for contingency selection.

6 Explain concept of power system security.

7.Define generation shift factor and line outage distribution factor in relation to security analysis.

cha.3 Reactive Power and Voltage Control:

1 Explain operation of transmission line for no load condition.

2 Explain how a relationship between voltage regulation and reactive power is governed by short-circuits capacity of transmission line.

3 Derive equation which shows relation between maximum power and line length of power line.

4 Show graphical representation of power transfer and line length.

5 List a few practical aspects for describing the reactive power flow problem resulting voltage collapse.

6 Prove that the receiving end voltage is extremely sensitive to any change in power status at the receiving end bus.

7 Define the surge impedance loading (SIL) of a transmission line.

8 What do you mean by line load ability?

9 Explain classification of Voltage Stability.

10 Define voltage collapse. Enlist the main factors that contribute the phenomena of voltage collapse.

11 Enlist different types of reactive power compensation methods for heavily loaded and voltage stressed power systems. Explain static VAR compensators in detail.

12 Derive the expression for voltage regulation of a transmission line and explain its relation with reactive power.

13 List out different sources and sinks of reactive power in power systems.

14 For a transmission line connected between two buses, derive the expression of voltage regulation and also prove from the phasor diagram that the Q and V have a strong coupling.

15 Explain the role of transformer on voltage control of power system.

16 Enlist different types of reactive power compensation methods for heavily loaded and voltage stressed power systems. Explain static VAR compensators in detail.

17 Establish relationships between voltage regulation and reactive power. Explain how it is governed by short-circuits capacity.

18 Show and discuss profile of reactive power losses in transmission line.

cha.4 State Estimation:

1 Classify bad data for state estimation.

2 Describe steps for detection of bad data.

3 Explain static and dynamic state estimation.

4 Explain importance of state estimation in power system.

5 Describe least square approximation state estimation

6 Draw block diagram which shows state estimation.

7 Explain what you mean by state estimation of power system and how does it differ from load flow solutions.

8 Explain significance of ‘w’ in weighted least square estimation.

9 Explain various applications of state estimations in power systems.

10 Compare static state estimation and dynamic state estimation.

11 Give flow chart of one scheme of fast decoupled state estimation.

cha.5  Load Forecasting

1 List out different load forecasting methods.

2 Discuss reflection of load forecasting in current and future trends of power system.

3.What do you mean by “Bad Data” in power system? How does it creep in while obtaining a good state estimator? Explain clearly how it is taken care of by using theory of probability

4.Describe Auto-Regressive Model and Auto- regressive Moving Average Model for load forecasting.

5 Explain load predictions for load forecasting.

6 Give classification based on lead time and forecasting methodology.

7. Illustrate standard analytical functions used for Extrapolation techniques involve trend curve fitting in load forecasting.

8.Define load forecasting. Give summary of nature of load forecasting based on lead time with its application.

9 Discuss estimation of average and trend terms for any load data.

10. Illustrate standard analytical functions used for Extrapolation techniques involve trend curve fitting in load forecasting.

Cha.6 Introduction to Power System 
Deregulation and Restructuring:

1 Differentiate Regulated power system and Deregulated power system.

2 Discuss international scenario related to deregulation.

3 Explain deregulation of power supply and state it’s benefits

4 Describe the different types of market model

5. Explain meaning of deregulated power system. Discuss its advantages and limitations in relation to vertically integrated system.

6 List out important points of electricity act - 2003.

7. Draw hierarchy of Load dispatch centers in India. Also list out Locations of NLDC, Regional LDCs and that of ALDCs of Western Region

8 Explain role of load dispatch center in power system.

9 Explain deregulated power system structures.

10 State research and Professional bodies of Indian power Sector.

11 Explain function of different entities in deregulated power system.

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